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About us


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a Christian based private recording studio which was founded in 2012 in a small apartment room and established in 2016.

As our inspiration over music grew so has our vision of reaching out to many people around the world through our recordings. But then one day we got the idea to make this a distinguished record studio than all other traditional studios. The idea was inspired by our slogan, "Where creative worship comes to life" and also based on the main bible verse in which it was founded,

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. So with that being said we do in fact make more than just focus on producing music. Through this vision we strive to touch many lives and share the love of Jesus around the world in creative ways. We welcome all languages too; after all, we are all one [united] in Christ and that's how it suppose to be.


This is where we started.

Escucha a Nueva Alma Viviente por medio de la plataforma de Facebook, Instagram, YouTube y Spotify. Haga clic en el botón de abajo y será dirigido a su página web. NLS, compartiendo el evangelio del Señor a través de videoclips y adoración. Escuchea, medita.

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But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.
- Kings 3:15 (ESV)

En fin, traigan acá a un músico. Cuando el

músico comenzó a tocar, el poder de Dios vino

sobre Eliseo, - 2 Reyes 3:15 (TLA)


(ENG) None at this moment browse freely, God bless you!

(ESP) Nada por este momento, que Dios los bendiga!
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PVPro Studio



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